The armed guard isn’t chatty at the best of times, and certainly not when he can’t even see you.
The guard looks around in suspicion.
The guards at the far end of the room look around in suspicion.
The guard recognizes at a glance that you’re not that kind of a girl…
In other words, you can have had no legitimate business upstairs.
The sheep runs out the door.
Do you have a death wish, maybe? You can’t ransack the room under the guards’ very noses!
The guard tosses you a copper coin and takes the shoes.
The guard returns to his companions.
Some guards are playing dice in the corner; one of them gets up and comes toward you.
Hanging on the wall is a large bunch of keys that probably open every door in this wing of the Palace.
Picking a fight in a room full of armed guards is not most people’s idea of a bright move.
The guard doesn’t hesitate to hand your offering over to his companions for safekeeping.
In case it has escaped your notice, there are MANY guards in this room, and some of them would be bound to take offense if you did something to their colleague.